Orange Calcite

Chakra: Solar plexus

Metaphysical properties:

Calcite is a powerful yet gentle amplifier and cleanser of energy. The variety of colours can clean negative energies from your environment and can heighten your energy. Calcite can help create emotional intelligence, it calms the mind, teaches discernment and analysis, stimulates insights and can boost energy. It is a stabilising crystal and can enhance trust in yourself and strengthens the ability to overcome setbacks.

Scientific properties:

Calcite presents itself in various crystallised forms and colours. Colours range from clear, white, green, pink, peach, golden, orange, yellow, red, blue, grey or black when other compounds blend with it during formation. Crystals vary widely in formation and include rhombohedral, prismatic, fibrous, stalactitic, dogtooth and nail head shapes are common.

Crystal systems: Trigonal