Chakra: Throat and Third eye.
Metaphysical properties:
Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective crystal. It can help raise sense of self and connect to universal energies. A stone of esoteric knowledge, it can provide initiation into universal awareness. Labradorite invites contemplation and healing, it is a useful companion through change, providing strength and stability.
Scientific properties:
Also known as Feldspar it is 30-50% albite and 50-70% anorthite feldspar.The body colour is usually a dull grey, but the fine lamellar twinning that is a feature of labradorite interferes with light rays and creates a spectacular iridescence.
White, grey, brown, bluish; transparent and opaque; sometimes blue, green, reddish labradorization. Crystals are rare. Soluble in acid. Found in Labrador/Canada; Mexico; Madagascar; Ukraine.; Australia; Russia and the USA. Spectrolite is a trade name for labradorite from Finland that show the spectral colours very effectively.
Crystal system: Triclinic