
Chakra: Base/ Navel and Solar Plexus

Metaphysical properties:

Chyrsocolla reenergises and calms your base, and solar plexus chakras. It is also  highly attuned to your heart chakra, helping to ease emotional heartache and provide you with strength and renewed balance, helping to increase our capacity to love. Chyrsocolla helps you tap into your inner strength and sustain you during stressful and long enduring situations. It is also a fantastic crystal to have around the house as a stabilising force and can work to release negativity from ourselves. 

Scientific Properties:

Chrysocolla is a copper carbonate gemstone, most often in blue to green tones. Other carbonate copper stones include malachite and turquoise. These can even mix with chrysocolla, creating beautifully patterned gems with stronger durability.

Crystal System: Monoclinic.