
Chakra: Base and Sacral

Metaphysical Properties:

Mookaite's bold and brilliant natural colours area reminder that the earth's beauty is all around us and within us. Mookaite helps to ground our mind, heart and soul and encourages us to live in the moment. It is a healing stone and helps us "live in the moment", alleviating our fears and worries of the future and supporting our "emotional" body. 

Scientific Properties:

Named after Mooka station in Western Australia, Mookaite forms in a variety of colours from white, cream, brown, grey, yellow, orange-red, purple-red and mauve. Mookaite is a locally coined name for a silicified porcelanite which forms in the weathering profile of a geological formation known as Windalla Radiolarite, a lower Cretaceous sedimentary rock that outcrops much of the Carnarvon Basin in W.A. the colouring in Mookaite is due to the presence of iron oxide/hydroxide granules. 

Crystal System: Trigonal