
Chakra: Base

Metaphysical properties: 

Hematite can help you with mental attunement, enhancing memory, original thinking and technical knowledge. It can help us to realise that the only limitations that exist are our own self limiting beliefs. Hematite can ground and protect us and can be a useful stone for overcoming compulsions and addictions.

Scientific Properties: 

The name hematite ( Greek- blood) comes from the fact that, when cut, the saw coolant becomes coloured red. In mineralogy, well crystallised hematite varieties are called iron lustre, finely crystallised ones, red iron ore or ironstone, and radial aggregates are called red glass head. When cut into very thin plates, hematite is red and transparent; when polished it is metallic and shiny.

Found in: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, New Zealand and Australia.

Crystal system: Trigonal