
Chakra: Heart

Metaphysical Properties:

Kunzite truly is a stone of love. It activates the heart chakra and helps to align the heart with the throat and third eye chakras, encouraging us to think of and speak with love. Kunzite is great to work with when expressing the emotions of our heart, it can provide a gentleness, security and strength for anyone that finds it hard to "open up". When used in meditation Kunzite can provide a deep centering of our spirit and can also help to stimulate our intuition and connection to unconditional love. 

Scientific Properties:

Kunzite is the pink form of spodumene and is often found with feldspar, muscovite, quartz and lepidolite. It can be semi-translucent, clear or opaque and its composition is made up of aluminium, lithium, oxygen and silicon. Kunzite is named after G.F Kunz who first discovered the mineral in California in 1902. 

Crystal System: Monoclinic